A documentation of my preservation and preparation of local foods as I work through the seasons. This will serve as a reference tool for me in the future and as a sharing guide for family and friends...and anyone else interested. Hopefully, I can offer some useful methods, tips and recipes to share with everyone--be they novice or pro--and encourage them to join me in the exciting world of preserving and cooking with local foods.

Friday, September 30, 2011

V8 Juice and Tomato Chili Mix

Glad I still have plenty of tomatoes.  There are a few tomato recipes I usually make for my Winter pantry--V8 juice and chili mix (not to be confused with chili sauce)  I make V8 juice by juicing tomatoes; then simmering it with lots of chopped veggies added.  Strain the juice and can it.  Chili mix is a combination of tomatoes, onions and peppers that I use whenever I make chili.  I just combine it with beef and beans--easy peasy!
Note:  Both mixtures are canned the same way.  Bring mixture to boil, pour into hot jars & pressure can at 10 pounds pressure: pints 15 min, qts 20 min.
   Daydreaming:  a warm bowl of chili on a cold Winter day--mmmm!

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