Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Decorating with Food

It's hard to wait until after Thanksgiving to start Christmas decorating; but I've made it my rule out of respect for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Preparing the decor for my kitchen, though, takes the edge off my anticipation; and I have so much fun doing so!  Since I spend most of my time in the kitchen, it gets lots of decorating.  Trees, crocks, bowls, shelves and cupboards are adorned with natural and culinary symbols of the season.  My prepared inventory is below, ready for stringing, trimming, hanging and arranging. 
  Gingerbread men, dried fruit slices, studded oranges,
bay leaves, whole spices, popcorn, cranberries, peels.
an illustration:  my previously-empty bowls
Note: The orange peels in the pan at the bottom of top picture are for simmering potpourri during Christmas week when the family has begun to gather and friends are stopping by.   I have us save our peels and then toss them with cranberries, cinnamon sticks, cloves, anise stars and whole allspice in a pan of simmering water. I add water as needed, keeping the water a couple of inches above the spice and peels. It simmers all the while there is someone in the kitchen.  Every few days, I discard it all and start over.  Mmmm--a warm and wonderful yuletide smell for our gathering kitchen. 

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