Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bye-Bye Microwave

I never thought in a bijillion years that I would even consider getting rid of my microwave, but after reading from this website:, I have not used my microwave once.  And it's now sitting by the back door, ready for disposal.  I won't go into detail, just read from the website for yourself.  I don't doubt what it says is true, and I stopped using my microwave right then and there.

My daughter first tried to "enlighten me" when she was visiting, and I appeased her by allowing her to remove my microwave from the kitchen to basement storage.  But at the end of her visit, I was waving good-bye to her with one hand and had the other hand on the basement door ready to retrieve my microwave.  "She's totally crazy" I thought--no microwave???!!!

Since then, I revisited the subject with her and she reminded me of the "watering plant" experiment; where two identical plants were watered--one with tap water and one with microwaved water; and the microwave-watered plant died.  She also suggested I google "microwave hazards and read it for yourself".  I did and I was convinced.  I'll never use a microwave again.

In the short time I've gone without it and used the stove, I've discovered a few things I like about not having a microwave:
-I can have all the meal dishes cooking on the stove at one time, and monitoring their  doneness, versus putting dishes individually in the microwave for a few minutes to several minutes each.
-I do not have to overheat the first few dishes going into the microwave so they are still hot when the last dish is ready for the table.
-I get benefits like bacon grease for frying and pan scrapings for gravy.
-I use fewer dishes.  I cook, refrigerate and reheat in the same pan.
-Food tastes better.  Hubby noticed this immediately!

My peace of mind is well worth it!!!  Life is more simple.

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