A documentation of my preservation and preparation of local foods as I work through the seasons. This will serve as a reference tool for me in the future and as a sharing guide for family and friends...and anyone else interested. Hopefully, I can offer some useful methods, tips and recipes to share with everyone--be they novice or pro--and encourage them to join me in the exciting world of preserving and cooking with local foods.

Thursday, August 25, 2016



Up to One Month

Broccoli (2 weeks), Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower  (3 wks), Melons (2-3 weeks)

One-Two Months


Two-Four Months

Cabbage(s), Kohlrabi, Parsnips, Pears, Rutabagas, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips

Four-Six Months

Apples, Beets, Carrots, Chili Peppers, Garlic, Horseradish, Leeks, Onions, Potatoes, Squash

Short-term Kitchen Storage

Store these in a cool area (a little less than room temp), away from bright light: Onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, winter squash.

Store in a closed plastic bag or crisper in the refrigerator:  Asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, greens, leeks, parsnips, peas if shelled, peppers, radishes, scallions, turnip, zucchini

Store at room temperature:  tomatoes

Three environments will accommodate a wide variety of veggies/fruits:

(1)  Very cold/Near freezing (35-40 F), damp (80+ humidity) and dark. 

Beets, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, horseradish, kohlrabi,       leeks, parsley, potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, pears and apples  (see “Apples” note  below)

(2)  Cool (35-50) and dry (60-70% humidity) and dark 

This environment can be achieved by putting produce in a paper bag in a cold closet or a dry cold basement room or an insulated dry garage. 

            Garlic, onion

(3)  Mild (45-65) and dry  (60-79% humidity)

A little below room temp.  Kitchen closet or shelf adjacent to an outside wall.  Put on shelves not-touching each other.

            Squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, chili peppers


Apples: Apples should be stored separately as they will cause other produce to spoil sooner.


Very Cold Environments:  an unheated garage, entryway, basement room, window well or stairwell; an insulated box buried and covered with straw; an unused refrigerator buried on its side with vent pipe (latches removed);  a hole lined with hay bales and holding lidded food-service buckets;  an above-ground box surrounded and covered with hay bales.  Visits and food checks can be limited to once per week. 

Note:  If veggies or fruit freeze, they can be used in cooking (soups, stews, casseroles).

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