A documentation of my preservation and preparation of local foods as I work through the seasons. This will serve as a reference tool for me in the future and as a sharing guide for family and friends...and anyone else interested. Hopefully, I can offer some useful methods, tips and recipes to share with everyone--be they novice or pro--and encourage them to join me in the exciting world of preserving and cooking with local foods.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Class Announcement: Canning Tomatoes

For those of you interested in learning to can tomatoes, I will be teaching two classes at the Rochester Farmers Market this Sat, July 30; one at 9:00 AM and a repeat at 10:30.  They are each about an hour long and it is basically information and a walk-through of what's involved in canning tomatoes.  I won't actually be canning them--it's called a "mock thru"; but I have more detailed information in a handout.  Come on down!


  1. Finally found your blog. Wow! This is amazing! Where do you find the time TO DO ALL OF THIS? I'll be checking back often. Maybe I'll even take in your class at the Farmer's Market! Of course with my sweet tooth I was first drawn to your "Dessert of the Month"! : )

  2. Sandy, Thanks much for your post. Yes, I do spend a lot of time on food projects. Actually, our survival depends on it. I get all of our fruits, veggies, meat and dairy only from gardens, farms or farm markets. By the end of harvest and butchering in the fall, I need to have my pantry and freezer stocked for the winter--until markets open again in the Spring. Local food is obviously a passion of mine. For me personally; it's about enjoyment, healthy eating and food security.
